Shiny, fragrant floors with 1 drop of this


Shiny, fragrant floors with 1 drop of this

Shiny, fragrant floors with 1 drop of this

This trick is not compatible with all soil types  .  It is particularly suitable for marble, ceramic and parquet surfaces.  The mixture of these natural ingredients makes it possible to obtain a perfect cleaning product that will clean your home and give a pleasant scent without damaging the affected surface.

To do this, you need to collect the following ingredients:  white wine vinegar, fabric softener and  baking soda  .

Now let’s prepare your natural detergent:

Pour 100 ml of vinegar into a bucket

Add a drop of fabric softener

Pour in three tablespoons of baking soda

Pour in lukewarm water and mix everything together

The vinegar has a disinfecting effect  . Because of its cleaning properties, bicarbonate is used to   remove  even the most stubborn  dirt . The fabric softener ensures the pleasant scent  . Without spending a penny, this method allows you to make the floor clean and fragrant. A little useful tip:  Don’t forget to ventilate your house from time to time to prevent the formation of bad smells and mold.


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